
(The scene opens in a small village, where a group of villagers are gathered around a well. They are discussing the recent drought that has plagued their land.)

Villager 1: I don't know what we're going to do. Our crops are failing, and our wells are drying up.

Villager 2: We need to find a way to bring back the rain.

Villager 3: I heard that there's an old wise woman who lives in the forest. She might be able to help us.

Villager 1: Really? Where does she live?

Villager 3: I can take you to her hut. But be warned, she's a strange one.

(The villagers follow Villager 3 into the forest, and soon come upon a small hut. The old wise woman is sitting outside, smoking a pipe.)

Villager 3: Excuse me, wise woman. We've come to ask for your help. Our village is suffering from a drought, and we don't know what to do.

Wise Woman: Ah, I see. You want me to make it rain.

Villager 1: Yes, please. Can you help us?

Wise Woman: I can. But it will come at a price.

Villager 2: What price?

Wise Woman: You must promise to remember that this, too, shall pass. No matter how bad things seem now, they will eventually get better.

Villager 1: We promise.

Wise Woman: Very well. I will make it rain. But remember, this is only a temporary solution. You must find a way to sustain yourselves in the long term.

(The wise woman waves her hand, and suddenly, it starts to rain. The villagers cheer and thank her, but she remains silent, watching them with a knowing smile.)

This skit illustrates the moral "This too shall pass" by showing how the villagers are suffering from a drought, but with the help of the wise woman, they are able to find a temporary solution. However, the wise woman reminds them that they must find a long-term solution, as the rain will not last forever. This teaches the audience that even in times of hardship, things will eventually get better, but it's important to take action and find a sustainable solution.